We have published more than 10 E -Books that take an in-depth look at the evolving role of the modern finance professional and the dynamic landscape of the FP&A market. While our other content categories offer a more concise view at various topics or concepts, the E-Books cover finance industry trends in more detail. We invite you to read the E-Books to understand why business partnering is the future of finance.
The Impact Equation
FP&A Transformation Talks
The Planning and Forecasting…
The Unfair Advantage of Finance
The FP&A Market Guide - Version 1
Welcome To Finance Function 4.0
The FP&A Market Guide - Version 2
Inside-out Business Partnering
Planning [as we know it] is dead
FBP - From cost to profit centre
Unlocking the Future of FP&A
Generative AI - Practical Use Cases